
Wednesday, 16 January 2013

DEANDRI'S INSTAGRAM GIVEAWAY (My first time EVER winning any contest EVER!!!)


I'm in a current state of shock, happiness, bliss and absolutely everything good in life.. and I have been for the past 24 hours!!!

Why is that, you may ask?


As a proper shoe fanatic and fashion enthusiast, I am well obsessed with everything from Jeffrey Campbell to studded denim to Doc Martens to collar details.. THE LIST IS ENDLESS! 

My current fashion obsession for about a month? 

For those of you who don't know, Deandri is an amazing clothing which a girl called Deanna Richmond has started (22 y/o & from LA).  Deandri sells everything from clothing to jewellery and (probably the most exciting part for me) HANDMADE SHOES!

Yes, HANDMADE shoes, my darlings!!!

Now Deandri (www.deandri.com) also has an Instagram (@deandri) and on their IG, they hosted a giveaway where 2 winners win... (dun dun dun) A FREE PAIR OF FREAKING SHOES!!!

And among the two - ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Now you can imagine my sheer and absolute delight - as a person who has never (EVER EVER) won ANYTHING in ANY contest her entire life & who's brain functions as 50% fashion, 50% everything else - when I found out I won!

I have literally been busting my BUTT posting submission after submission after submission (after submission.. after sub-- you get it) on MY Instagram (@ohmystysty) trying, hoping, praying that I win and to my fortune, I did. 

So this post serves to do a few things:
- Gush and gush and gush about my first time winning any contest ever
- Expressing my everlasting gratitude to Deandri for allowing me a free pair of BEAUTIFUL (AND OH MAN, DO I MEAN BEAUTIFUL) pair of shoes which I have been proper obsessed with what seems like forEVER
- Promote such an amazing, one-of-a-kind, handmade, BEAUTIFUL brand and try to convince you lot to pick up a pair yourself

I hope you were okay with me expressing the magnitude of my happiness at the moment. 

When I receive the shoes that I chose, I will make a proper post about it, pictures and all! Who knows? I might even make a SHOE UNBOXING VIDEO? ;) 

Sty xo

Disclaimer: Deandri did not ask me to promote them in any way possible, I am not getting paid by them.  I am merely promoting them solely on my own, they have not asked me to do so.  Other than the free pair of shoes I won on their Instagram Giveaway Contest, I am not receiving anything from them whatsoever by promoting them in this post.

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